
Thursday 11 June 2015

Tongue Twisters

This term, we have been doing tongue twisters for poetry. We have got ones from books and ones we have written ourselves. Tegan brought in a poem which she saw in the Museum. We have shared some at teamtime and also to some teachers. We quite like to use alliteration now. We have all gotten stuck on each others poems because they are so hard!
The poem Tegan got had so hard words because it was old, even Miss Cowden didn’t know what they meant! You can make tongue twisters so easily, that we end up making up loads and loads. Creating tongue twisters is so much fun!

Here is 1 of everyones:
Lying lions leaping like lollipops,
lollipops labelled lying lions,
lollipops labelled lying lions lept from London,
over to Lucy’s lollipop land,
on one of the lying leaping lions.

Popping Peppers
Piper picked popping peppers
While the popping peppers picked pampering pears
While pampering pears pampered piper
While Piper popped prized pompoms
While the prized pompoms patted pat’s pairing parrots
While pat’s pairing parrots pulled pipper away from the
popping peppers picking pampering pears
While the pampering pears were pampering Piper
Xanthe M

Snickety Snake is a flickery flake
Snickety Snake is a flickery flake
snickety flickery snickety flake
snickety snake ate a flake
and ended up in a deep deep lake
By Sarah

               Lily Lolly Lollypop
Lily Lolly Lollypop licked Lilly lollypops.
Lily Lolly Lollypop labeled Lilly lollypops.
Lily Lolly Lollypop laughed licking Lily Lollypops.
Lily Lolly Lollypop laughed languages.
Lily Lolly Lollypop laughed lasers!

Life Education

Cool Text

On Friday the 29th of May the Yr 1-4s had Grandparents Day during the Afternoon. We had a big sharing time in the Atrium where we shared our learning. The Yr 1s shared why they loved their grandparents, the Yr 2s shared a song about the water cycle, the Yr 3s shared their names in Braille and Hieroglyphics and our class shared our poems and nature diaries from Term 1. Afterwards we went back to our classroom and shared some of our work with our Grandparents and a few of us gave a tour to them! Then we went to have afternoon tea and our Grandparents took us home!

By Xanthe M

This term on May the 12th, we had Cross Country. It was held at Fendalton Park. Ms Taylor has been training all of the girls and we all participated. The yr 3 and 4s’ ran 1km non stop the yr 5 and 6s’ ran 2km and the 7 and 8s’ ran 3km.

The placings were:
  • Mollie Thomas came 1st place in 3 and 4 years.
  • Paris Carol came 1st in 5 and 6 years.
  • Eliza Smith came 1st in 7 and 8 years.

It was a very exciting day and our parents were so proud! We all ran our hearts out so hard, that by the time we finished, we all had ragged breath! We all enjoy exercise and sport so we were all, looking forward to the day. But as we were on the bus ride back we were all so tired but very pleased because we tried our best. We can’t wait till next cross country!